The first digital pitch was held.
e-volunteering applications were opened.
e-SosyalBen established.
‘Chef Kids’ project was implemented with the support of Gaziantep Hişhvahan.
In cooperation with Garanti BBVA, the project ‘Those who lost their heart to music’ was implemented.
Antalya Community established.
CEV - Sosyalben Foundation became the first signatory of European Volunteer Centre from Turkey.
Bensu Soral became volunteer ambassador of SosyalBen Foundation.
On World Volunteers Day, a ‘Volunteering Survey ‘was published with the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
"We Block Obesity with Basketball!" project was implemented in cooperation with Tofaş SK and Bursa Medicana Hospital.
At the Global Forum of Education and Learning (GFEL) Conference held in Dubai, where the top 50 participants among the institutions and organizations serving regarding the educational field throughout the world received awards, Sosyalben Academy model was awarded.
Sosyalben Foundation Founder Ece Çiftçi was named one of the most successful young adults for 30 Persons Under 30 in Turkey by Forbes magazine.
SosyalBen Basketball Team was founded with Class A National Basketball Player Birkan Batuk.
Gaziantep community was founded.
Hakan Sabancı trophy with ‘trust in imagination’ design is on sale.
Sosyalben Children performed with Sosyalben Foundation Voluntary Ambassador Yalın at the Harbiye Open Air Concert.
the Sosyalben Children are Exploring Istanbul project was implemented.
Sosyalben Foundation Voluntary Ambassador Yalın participated in Kırklareli / Kıyıköy field study.
Social Entrepreneurship Summit was held in Istanbul, Cennet Neighborhood in cooperation with Governorship of Istanbul, Küçükçekmece District Governorship, Küçükçekmece Municipality, Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul Aydin University Istanbul Zaim University and Ayşe Hatun Özen Education and Solidarity Foundation.
Antalya Community was established.
Yalın became Voluntary Ambassador of SosyalBen Foundation.
Notebooks designed by Emre Yusufi are available for sale.
"Sosyalben Kids Menu" project was implemented with Singapore Airlines.
Sosyalben Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi was awarded “The New Leaders for Tomorrow” award by the Crans Montana Forum.
Bursa commnity was founded.
Our new product, Nonverbal Agenda designed by Melisa Sabancı Tapa is on sale.
Sosyalben Children are Exploring Istanbul project was implemented.
Sosyalben Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi was awarded the "Promising Young Leaders" Award organized by the Department of State of United States of America.
Sosyalben Foundation Voluntary Ambassador Gökçe Bahadır participated in the field study in Kırklareli / Babaeski.
Samsun Community was founded.
India fieldwork was carried out.
Gökçe Bahadır became Voluntary Ambassador of SosyalBen Foundation.
SosyalBen Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi was awarded in the category of "Personal Success" in "The Top 10 Successful Young Adult of Turkey" competition organized by JCI. She was selected as the "Women Entrepreneurs of Turkey" in the "Women Entrepreneurs of Turkey" competition organized by Garanti Bank , Economist Magazine and Kagider.
Mersin community was founded.
İstanbul community was founded.
SosyalBen Volleyball Team was founded together with Class A National Volleyball Player Özge Kırdar.
Chile fieldwork was carried out.
Brooklyn fieldwork was conducted.
Sosyalben Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi represented Turkey at the G(irls) 20 Young Women Summit, a committee of the G20 Summit.
Sosyalben Children are Exploring Istanbul project was implemented.
Sosyalben Children experienced airline and flight in cooperation with Singapore Airlines.
Jordan fieldwork was conducted.
SosyalBen Association continued its work as the Sosyalben Foundation.
Sosyalben Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi was selected as the one changing the world under the Change Maker X Change program organized by the Ashoka Foundation, and introduced the initiatives she founded to entrepreneurs in Portugal.
Montenegro fieldwork was carried out.
SosyalBen children exploring Istanbul project was implemented.
Çanakkale community was founded.
SosyalBen Foundation was awarded for Excellence in Service to the Community by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals in the United States.
SosyalBen Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi was selected to the one who made a difference in the field of social entrepreneurship within the scope of Sabancı Foundation's “Those Who Make a Difference” program.
Fieldwork was carried out in Mongolia.
Sosyalben Store was established.
Eskişehir Community was founded.
At the invitation of the president of Macedonia, Macedonia was visited.
SosyalBen Academy was established.
Montenegro fieldwork was carried out.
SosyalBen children are Exploring Istanbul project was implemented.
Fieldwork in Cambodia was carried out.
Izmir Community was founded.
An awareness study on volunteerism was conducted in Washington DC.
Gambia fieldwork was carried out.
Karabük Community was established.
Sosyalben Association was named the best social enterprise in the Young Social Entrepreneurs Competition of Bilgi University.
the Sosyalben Association was founded
The first overseas fieldwork was conducted at the Tefeyyuz Primary School in Skopje, Macedonia.
SosyalBen was represented in the UK with the sponsorship of the British Council.
SosyalBen Foundation's founder Ece Çiftçi participated in "Bir Fikrin mi Var" game show aired on TV8 screens and ranked first by introducing SosyalBen in the category of social entrepreneurship.
In order to cover the cost of fieldworks, the first umbrellas of SosyalBen were produced.
An application was made to the entrepreneurship competition named "Bir Fikrin mi Var?" under the name Sosyalben. It was the first time the name Sosyalben had been used.
the first fieldwork was carried out at Şanlıurfa Hayati Harrani Youth Centre
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