“SosyalBen is like a basic need for me. The reason is that it introduced me to the concept of “Social Responsibility”. It is SosyalBen that made me regret the time I’ve wasted and revealed my desire to do every day something for myself, for other people and for the children. For example, the fieldwork we made in Muş... It was a field where no words were sufficient to describe it, and where I really said and felt “I’m SosyalBen”. It was the field where I learned what it means to be a “Team” under so difficult conditions. I have broken down my prejudices there; it was the field where I understood that the people of whom I was previously afraid are actually more sincere than people I know. So glad I have you SosyalBen...
It’s good that there are clean hearted volunteers of SosyalBen...”