Our volunteers reached to Southern America..

We carried out our workshop activities with children in two schools of Chile where the land ends.With wide variety of workshop activities carrie...
We met 385 children in Afyon, Aksaray and Aydın
After the 15-day semester break, we concurrently held 3 field activities in the first week of the season. Our volunteers joined students aged 7 to 13 years old at various workshops in disadvantaged areas of Afyon, Aksaray and Aydın. In 3 field activities, a 1-week training course was provided to 385 children in total to help them discover their social identities via dance, creative writing, performance arts, music, sports and painting workshops. In these sessions, we witnessed the enthusiasm and the self-discovery process of children. The children concluded the 36-hour workshop with a performance, and witnessing their learning process and their gains renewed our hopes.
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