Our volunteers reached to Southern America..

We carried out our workshop activities with children in two schools of Chile where the land ends.With wide variety of workshop activities carrie...
Children of SosyalBen spent a week of artistic events, cultural excursions and enjoyable workshops in the week of May 19th.
The children whom we supported to discover their social identities and look more confidently to the future through our field works held in various disadvantaged areas of Turkey during the season this time met us in İstanbul.
In full-day activities held during the week, the children discovered İstanbul while learning and having fun. They joined photographer Sefa Yamak at a photography workshop to learn how to develop their skills and how to turn their hobbies into a profession. In addition to historical, artistic and cultural excursions around İstanbul, the children’s social development was also supported with activities including yoga and drama performances. On the last day of their trip to İstanbul, the children of SosyalBen visited Dolmabahçe Palace and celebrated the National Holiday of Youth on May 19th.
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